There is only one problem in travelling with Scruffy. He insists that as he is the older bear, he should get the window seat. Now you might think that there is enough room at the normal-sized window for two small bears, but there's not when both of them bounce and fidget. Fortunately, this was not a problem on the longest trip we have done so far. The trip across Australia on the Indian-Pacific took three days and I feared that I would have a three-day fight for the window seat, but it turned out great. The Oldies splurged and got the Deluxe cabin. This is about twice the size of a standard cabin and has a lounge area as well as the usual bed. And two windows, one for each bear. We were able to see everything and only had to move at meal times. This picture was taken near the start of the trip as the train was zooming through the Blue Mountains. It got foggy soon after so we left the windows and explored the rest of the cabin, but were back as soon as the fog cleared.
Labels: Perth, Sydney, train
# posted by Bart Bear @ 1:21 pm