It's fun going to the Canberra Show each year with the Oldies. Mum, of course, drags us around to all the cows and we go through all the sheds and see the cows just lying around or being washed and combed and then judged. Actually, Mum can usually pick the winning cow in each class before the judges make their decision. I think she has been around cows too long. But then it's off to the pavilions. The Oldies always say that they will not spend much at the show, but just look at the fully-loaded Dad on his way home from the show. You can easily see a radio-controlled helicopter (for me of course) and a bouncy donkey (for my nephew Josh, who has a birthday coming soon), but you can't see what's in the backpack. I can tell you that that backpack was absolutely full to the brim with stuff that the Oldies weren't going to buy. It was so full that you could only just squeeze a small bear in there, and you can guess who the bear in question was. And yes, the helicopter flies really well and once I get the hang of making my paws work independently of each other it will not crash into the garage roof and walls anywhere near as often.
Labels: Canberra
# posted by Bart Bear @ 11:46 am