The only way I can see what's under water is to visit aquariums, because the Oldies will not let me go snorkelling with them. Sydney Aquarium is great because it has these huge windows that show you a big section of real coral reef. Looking through these windows is as close as I will get to seeing what the Oldies see, unless Mum eventually crumples under pressure and lets me go with them. The tank has all sorts of coral, anemones and fish in it. I like the clown fish that live in anemones, and the little spotted ones that come right up to the glass and try to nip you to drive you away from their patch of reef. In the wild, these little fish even try to run Dad off, sort of like a mosquito tackling an elephant. I can watch small colourful reef fish for hours.
Another part of the aquarium has a glass tunnel that goes through a big tank full of sharks, rays and big fish. It even has a glass floor. You can see these big fish swimming all around, over and under you. I got a big scare in there. I was watching a spotted ray swimming under the floor and when I sat up and looked around there was a huge shark coming straight for me. For a second I forgot that there was thick glass between me and the shark. It took Mum quite a while to calm me down again.
Labels: fish, New South Wales, Sydney
# posted by Bart Bear @ 11:58 am