Here we are near the spot where my no.1 hero, Captain Cook, came ashore when he discovered Norfolk Island way back in 1774. He actually landed on the rocky beach in Duncombe Bay behind us. That is not really a good place to land because you then have a steep cliff to climb before you are onto the island. Back then the island was totally covered with trees and scrub and Cookie was interested in the big Norfolk pine trees. He thought they would make great masts for sailing ships. None of the island was clear and grassy, like lots of it is today. One of the problems of being a small bear (or cow, if you are Milkshake) is that you have to climb to read the signs. Between us, Scruffy and I can read most of the words, Scruff can even read and spell restaurant (I still can't). Of course, if it is windy you have a job staying balanced on the sign for long enough to read it, but this time it was nice and calm. There is a tall stone memorial marker on this site. Us littlies had a job getting up to read the plaque so we had to get Dad to read it for us. This was my second trip out to Captain Cook's landing site and the road out there has improved tremendously. Back in 2005 it was a slippery, narrow dirt track, but now it is a proper tarred road. It's a pity that my hero couldn't come back now and see how the island has changed. I think he would approve.
Labels: Captain Cook, heroes, Norfolk Island
# posted by Bart Bear @ 8:13 am