We are back from our week on Norfolk Island and have just finished downloading the 972 pictures that the Oldies took while we were there. Norfolk is a beautiful island, so it's not hard to take over 100 pictures a day. Scruffy and I are sitting on a cliff top, looking over at the old settlement area of Kingston. The big square castle-walled thing is the old gaol. This was possibly the worst place that a convict could end up back in the 1800's when Britain sent its prisoners out for hard labour in the colonies. Most of the buildings in Kingston are relics of the convict era. Today they are museums, instead of gaols and soldiers' barracks. One of the buildings is used as the island's parliament house. Norfolk is an independent country, so you have to have a passport to get there. The stone jetty is one of only two places where small boats can safely dock on the island, big ships have to anchor offshore and transfer cargo and passengers in smaller boats, called lighters. I love Norfolk because it is full of history, beautiful scenery, and cows.
Labels: boats, Norfolk Is
# posted by Bart Bear @ 10:30 am