This is one of the prettiest bays on Norfolk Island. It is called Anson Bay and is one of the places that the surfies use a lot. The track down to the beach from the car park is a bit steep, so us critters didn't bother going down; it is an awfully long way back when the path is uphill. Instead we found a better way to rest and enjoy the scenery. There is a nice little picnic spot at the start of the track and the trees around it are really easy to climb. Scruffy, Milkshake and I found a nice branch to sit on and we settled down, rocked gently by the breeze, safe from crabs, and counted waves while the Oldies rushed around taking photos. Fortunately, the breeze was blowing away from the cliff so Mum wasn't in a big panic that we might get blown down into the water.
Labels: beach, climbing, crabs, Norfolk Island
# posted by Bart Bear @ 8:17 am