The safest place to see crocs is the Sydney Aquarium. The crocs are safely penned up in there. I certainly wouldn't want to meet one on a muddy river bank up in the tropics. Aussie saltwater crocodiles are the biggest, meanest, most dangerousest crocs in the world. There are other sorts, of course. The American alligators are almost as bad, but they are smaller and a bit more scared of people. This display in the aquarium tells you how to spot the differences (size, bluntness of head, teeth, etc), just in case you meet something like that and want to know what it is that is about to chomp you. My advice is to forget about identifying the nasty critter, head up the nearest tree as fast as you can climb, and yell for your Oldies to come and save you.
Labels: animals, Sydney
# posted by Bart Bear @ 1:39 pm