I don't understand fashion. I mean, just take a look at this little number and tell me if you really think it is anything special. Mum found it at Paddy's Market in Sydney and fell for it. She says that it is just what she needs for the next Melbourne Cup day at work. For some strange reason ladies wear hats that day even if they don't for the rest of the year; I don't understand why. Now one thing is for sure, this hat is far too small for Mum's head. It fits me, and Mum is a whole lot bigger. Hmmmmmm, thinks, if I removed the silly feathers and the sissy-looking mozzie net stuff it would be a fair approximation to a small bear sized bowler hat and they are certainly a fashionable thing for gentlemen to wear. Mum may have just lost her tiny hat.
Labels: family
# posted by Bart Bear @ 9:36 am