Oh, the indignity of it all. I have had to have a bath again. I hate baths. They are a gross misuse of water and I totally fail to see how someone (Mum) who won't let me get wet with water in its natural state (river, lake, ocean, puddle, etc) can insist on putting me through such torture. Still, she reckoned that the time had come to remove the layer of dust, dirt and general grime that I had carefully built up over the last few months. Personally, I liked it, it was like an archeological strata with layers of dust from Norfolk Is, Hamilton Is, Newcastle, Sydney and lots of other places, not to mention the bits of yucky make-up Mum smears me with when she hugs me. So it had to come off. First a damp swab with a dish-cloth and detergent. Then a blow-dry with Mum's hairdryer (I liked that). Then a dash of perfume because Mum said I still smelt of dust and mud. How did they get rid of the smell of perfume that had been applied too heavily, and get me really dry? They hung me out on the washing line in the Sun, all tucked up in a gauze bag! Actually, that was rather fun. The wind made the bag act like a swing and I could give cheek to the birds and lizards without them being able to see me. Anyhow, now I am clean enough and unsmelly enough for Mum and can get to work collecting the next layer of good clean healthy dirt.
Labels: family
# posted by Bart Bear @ 1:43 pm