The strangest colour I've ever seen a cow wearing is the blue-grey one of Norfolk Blue cows. They got this colour because all sorts of cows were let run around loose on the island and their genes got all mixed up and some calves were born with this bluish coat. My friends Robin and Jap now have a breeding herd of blue cows at their farm on Norfolk Island and they let us meet up with some of their cows. This one with the twisted horn is called Blue Boy and he is friends with anyone who will feed him. He isn't fussy about what he eats either. Stale bread or bananas are his favourites. He was the first cow that Mum had ever fed and she was a bit nervous about it. I wasn't. I am just standing behind her so that I am out of the way of the photographer, not because it is just that bit closer to the fence.
Labels: animals, Norfolk Island
# posted by Bart Bear @ 2:08 pm