On our last trip to Sydney we visited the places where Mum's family used to live. When she was a little girl she lived at Manly, on the southern side of the entrance to Sydney Harbour. The fun way to get to Manly is to take a ferry from Circular Quay. Sometimes it gets real rough as you cross the entrance, and I like it when boat trips get bouncy. Anyhow, the family use to live off to the left of the top photo. Mum's favourite Aunt lived in the block of flats. When Mum was visiting her Aunt, or when she wanted to go play near the water and see the boats, she used to climb about in this big old fig tree. Over 45 years later it is still there and still a great tree for small people or small bears to play in. It is also far enough away from the water that you don't have to worry about crabs. I think that if both Mum and I have played in this tree that makes it a family tree, don't you?
Labels: climbing, crabs, family, New South Wales, Sydney
# posted by Bart Bear @ 8:54 am