It's Floriade time again. Floriade is the big annual flower show in Canberra and this year it is off to a fine start. We have had lots of rain at just the right time for lots of flowers to be blooming on the opening weekend. Mum usually drags Dad and I down to see the flowers. I don't mind, because the flowers are actually bigger than me and that means there are lots of interesting places for a small bear to play and hide. Here I am playing "tiptoe through the tulips". The aim is to get right across the flower bed without breaking any stems or stepping on yucky worms or fertilizer pellets, all in the time it takes an Oldie to notice I that am missing and find me. Do drop into Floriade if you are down this way; it is very pretty.
Labels: Canberra, gardens
# posted by Bart Bear @ 11:34 am