Here's two horses that I met on our trip out to Burrinjuck Dam. We stopped for a coffee break at a little town called Bowning, and in the yard behind the cafe these guys were waiting. Now you might think that the little one is the foal of the big one, but that's not so. In fact both of them are full-grown horses. The big one is a Clydesdale draught horse. Back in the days before tractors, draught horses did all of the heavy hauling on farms. In cities they hauled goods wagons. These days they mostly just laze around. Actually, this one is standing by the fence hoping that somebody will feed him left-over bread. The little guy is a Shetland pony. He is great friends with the big one and follows him wherever he goes. No use for the little one to stand around hoping for a handout. You can see that he has a muzzle on him. It is there to stop him eating, except at meal times. With all the rain we have had, the paddocks are full of nice fresh grass and he has eaten so much of it that he has bloating problems so has to be muzzled until his tummy is back to normal size. Maybe a muzzle would work on Dad.
Labels: animals
# posted by Bart Bear @ 12:47 pm