Friday, November 05, 2010


My Hero's Ship

Guess what you can clamber around at the Sydney Maritime Museum? A full-sized replica of my number 1 hero's ship. Yes, it's Captain Cook's "Endeavour", complete in every detail. Small bears and their Oldies can spend hours looking around this ship. And when they are finished with that, there is a destroyer and a submarine and a patrol boat and lots of other small boats as well as the exhibits inside the museum. And of course there is the lighthouse. This was the lighthouse from Cape Bowling Green, near Townsville in Queensland. It was in use there from 1874 to 1987. When it was replaced by a new light on a steel tower, it was bought to the museum and fitted out with the gear it had in 1913. The museum also has a fleet of historic boats that range from yachts to a big square-rigger ("James Craig") and you can actually go sailing on them. That's something I will talk the Oldies into one of the times we are in Sydney. Check out the museums website and plan a visit or a cruise

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hello BArt..I am so jealous of your adventures..all my oldies ever do is go to the snow..fine for them isn't it..all tucked up in ski suits and fluffy hats..still it does remind me of Yosemite. My Mum keeps telling me every night how much our $Aus can by in America. But I don't think my Dad has taken the hint yet..he wants to save up and build a planetarium..I'm not sure what that is, but I think it is some sort of fish tank for plants. It's late..I have to go now

YoYo Bear
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