Mum, Unka Paddy and Aunty Karen went shopping yesterday. They went to a special Christmas shop at Bredbo, a little town south of Canberra where there is a whole big barn full of Christmas decorations and stuff. Dad stayed home and we watched the cricket. This first Ashes test is turning out to be a great game, even if it ends in a draw. Anyhow, Mum comes home with something that claims to be a Christmas tree. Well, it's the smallest tree I've ever seen. It's made of glass and only has nine branches. It looks kind of pretty, but I have a big worry about it. How on Earth is Santa going to be able to fit my presents on or even under it? Maybe if it gets lots of water and fertilizer over the next few weeks it will grow bigger. Does anybody know what fertilizer works best for glass trees?
Labels: Canberra, Christmas, cricket, Santa
# posted by Bart Bear @ 9:31 am