Mum has found a shop in Canberra that sells all sorts of Egyptian stuff. She has already collected a lot of smallish Egyptian statues. Her friends call them her "Egyptian Bonsai". Well, one of the ones she bought from the shop is this one of Horus. Horus is the falcon god of old Egypt, the god of war, the sky and protection. Like Santa, he is supposed to be able to see everything. The statue is not much bigger than this small bear, but in Egypt there are much bigger ones. In the left photo you see Mum leaning against one of them at the temple of Horus at Edfu, and you can see it is a lot bigger than her. Actually, the Oldies took a lot of photos of Mum looking at or leaning on statues during their trip to Egypt. I can't be sure they aren't faked because the meanies left be at home to avoid the risk of me being mutilated by customs officers. Personally, I would have risked it.
Labels: Canberra, Egypt
# posted by Bart Bear @ 11:31 am