Only six more sleeps until Santa comes again. I can hardly wait. We were at Unka Mark and Aunty Vicki's on Saturday night, and they had their Christmas tree all set up. There were even some presents under it. I thought that maybe Santa was spreading his run out a bit and there was a chance he might be back with some more later on. So I climbed into the tree and hid to see what would happen. No luck there. But when we got home, guess what I found? There was this little blue guy with extra eyes sitting near our little tree. I guessed it was one of those elves that Santa sends round to spy on small critters before Christmas, so I collared him/it and gave him the old third degree interview (Dad says I watch too many detective shows on TV, but that's not so). He wouldn't confirm or deny involvement with Santa, but he is a fun critter so I have introduced him to the rest of the gang and hope he gives a good report on us. Of course some people think that elves are green with pointy ears but have they ever caught one? Of course not. Just think about it, coming from a frozen climate an elf would be chilled and blue. To see everything for Santa in a short time, extra eyes would be real bonus. I think I have caught myself a real Santa's elf and if I treat him right then Santa will treat me the same way.
Labels: Christmas, Santa
# posted by Bart Bear @ 11:22 am