If you are embarrassed easily then you should never be with Dad at a party. Just look at what he has got me into here. Give him a Christmas cracker (or bon- bon if you know them as that) and he is straight into foolishness. The paper hats that come in them are usually too small for his head, so he thinks up other ways to use them. I have seen him use them for masks, beards, ruffs and strange things that defy definition. And I think that psychologists would get a kick out of the way he uses the bits of cracker cases. The problem is that if I don't move fast enough I get roped into the foolishness (actually, I don't mind but don't tell him that). Just look at the result of dinner at Unka Mark and Aunty Vicki's; Bart the yellow-necked Tricrackertops, the most dangerous Christmas critter known to weird science. I hope that you all enjoyed your Christmas gatherings too. Now, I only have to survive the New Year gatherings and I can return to normal-type blogging. Happy New Year!!!!
Labels: Canberra, Christmas
# posted by Bart Bear @ 12:44 pm