Looking through my blog yesterday, I realized that there are lots of pictures from the Oldies' big overseas trip that I haven't shown you (they took over 12,000 but don't worry, I won't blitz you with all of them). Here they are at the pyramids at Giza. Giza is just outside Cairo and you can see part of the city in the background. Tourists have been visiting the pyramids for thousands of years. When the Oldies were there it was difficult to get a picture without hordes of people in it, but they managed somehow. There are hundreds of pyramids in Egypt, but these are the ones that everyone knows about. My old Geezers say that the pyramids look smaller than they expected, but they were impressed by the size of the stone blocks used. Just compare the size of the blocks with the people in the smaller picture. It must have been spectacular when the pyramids were new 4,500 or so years ago. They were covered in smooth white stone and would have really glowed. Over the centuries the stone has been taken away for other buildings, but I think that, even today, these are really impressive bits of work.
Labels: Egypt
# posted by Bart Bear @ 1:21 pm