Well, I told you in the last post that two really big things were going to go between the little lighthouses on Tuesday, and here is what they were. The "Queen Mary 2" and the new "Queen Elizabeth", both coming into Sydney Harbour at the same time. And I was there being part of it. The top photo is from the "Sydney Morning Herald" news chopper and shows the Queens near Fort Denison. I thought the fort was big, but these ships absolutely dwarf it. Since we passed the little lighthouses before there was enough light to get good pictures, I couldn't get shots of the ships passing the lighthouses, but here are pictures the two ships (you can bet there will be others coming). The one on the left is "Queen Elizabeth"; we took this shot from the top deck of the "Queen Mary 2". "Queen Elizabeth" is big alright, but my ship "Queen Mary 2" is much bigger. Since I was on her, I haven't got any photos of the ship during the morning harbour entry, but the one on the right should give you an idea of how big and beautiful she is. It was taken as we watched the ship arrive in Fremantle to pick us up. A superb ship and you will hear lots about her later, but right now I am tired out after an exciting, busy and exhausting week and am going to bed to hibernate for a few days.
Labels: boats, cruising, New South Wales, Sydney
# posted by Bart Bear @ 10:29 am