Thursday, March 24, 2011


Looking For The Lost Bit

There is nothing quite as annoying as working for hours on a 1000-piece jigsaw puzzle and finding that there is one piece missing. Scruffy, Milkshake and I had this happen to us one afternoon on the Queen Mary 2. Down on deck 3 near the front of the ship there is a long corridor with game tables near windows. It is a great place to play a board game or do a puzzle while watching the ocean. The only trouble here was that whoever put the bits back in the box last managed to drop, lose or walk off with the final bit that we needed to complete the picture. You can see how annoyed we were. Scruff checked the box out many times and I looked all over the place for something the right size and colour. We even lifted Milky up to make sure she wasn't sitting on it, put we never did find it. Somewhere on the world's biggest ocean liner there is a small bit of coloured card looking for a puzzle box to return to.

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