You shouldn't believe everything that you read. I mean, just look at this sign. It is on the top deck of the "Queen Mary 2" and whenever Scruffy, Milkshake and I were sitting on this ladder so that we could watch people playing deck sports we were treated like dangerous nasties. Of course anybody should know that small critters like us don't bite. We might throw things, but we don't bite. Actually, the sign refers to animals that are on the other side of the wall. QM2 has a kennel there for pampered pets that are travelling with their owners. These pets get the royal treatment; fresh bikkies, special bedding, toys, even their own monogrammed coat. I have to report that they get treated better than the Oldies treated us, except that we didn't have to stay locked up for most of the time.
Labels: boats, cruising
# posted by Bart Bear @ 1:19 pm