A week ago a big box arrived on a truck. Inside it was a new telescope for Mum. As luck would have it, Mum had to go out for the day just after the telescope was delivered. That meant that I had to do the unpacking and assembly, with just a little bit of help from Dad. It took a while, but wasn't very difficult. All that I needed were a screwdriver, a spanner, and something to lift the heavy bits (Dad). It all went together perfectly and when Mum returned her new Celestron C6SE was ready for her. This is a great little 'scope. It is small enough to fit into the car with our usual amount of luggage, so we can take it with us on road trips. It is smart as well. All you have to do is tell it where it is and what time it is, then point it at 3 stars and from then on it knows where everything is and will automatically find the thing you want to look at. That saves a lot of time and means we can look at really faint things that we can't even see without the 'scope. The only problem is that the Oldies are very busy with public astronomy events at Mt Stromlo Observatory and we haven't had time to really use our new toy. We have a few free nights now, but guess what? It is raining and the forecast says that it will for days. Sometimes you just can't win. By the way, isn't it funny the way that I seem to change colour depending on the angle and distance of the camera flash? Maybe I'm a photo-chameleon.
Labels: astronomy
# posted by Bart Bear @ 11:21 am