A ship's bell is one of the most important things on board. The bell is placed on the ship when it is launched and is only removed if the ship changes it's name or is broken up. Lots of shipwrecks are only identified when divers find the bell and can read the name on it. So here I am at the bell of the "Queen Mary 2". The days when the bell was used to signal the time on the ship are long gone, so this bell is not up on the bridge. Instead it is on a special stand in the Grand Foyer where everyone can see it. Although I climbed on the stand, I was not game to ring the bell. Dad said that they would clap me in irons and toss be in the brig if I did. I am not sure exactly what that means, but it doesn't sound like something I want to have happen. Actually, the crew on QM2 are great and they go out of their way to help passengers. The other photo is a good example. I had wandered off to see the bell while the Oldies were sipping beverages in the Chart Room. It is a fair distance for short-legged small bears. While I was walking back this lady steward called Beatrix saw me and gave me a lift back. I was delivered back to the Oldies, balanced on a silver tray! How's that for service?
Labels: boats, cruising
# posted by Bart Bear @ 12:52 pm