The "Queen Mary 2" has millions of dollars of artwork in it. Some of the most spectacular is in large bas-relief murals in the main corridors. One corridor has a series of large panels, one panel for each continent. Each panel has scenes showing the people, industries, plants and animals of the continent it represents. Naturally, Mum likes the African one best because it has a lot of Egyptian stuff on it. My favourite is the North American one because in one corner there is a large bear. Not quite life-sized, but still very large compared to this small bear. I tried for some days to get up close to this bit of the panel so that I could check out the differences in shape between the American Grizzly and the Aussie Bart, but it was much too high. However, one night there was a formal dinner and the passengers had a chance to get their photos taken while they were all dolled-up. One of the photographers left a small ladder leaning up against the panel, so while the Oldies were getting their photo taken I took the opportunity to climb up and check out the bruin. For some strange reason passing passengers thought that this was funny and lots of them took photos of me and the bear. Sometimes I don't understand people.
Labels: boats, climbing, cruising
# posted by Bart Bear @ 6:38 pm