Last week we went down to the special Christmas Barn at Bredbo. This place has just about every Christmas ornament, tree, Santa statue, reindeer or snowman that you could ever think of. Mum and I love the place, Dad just grumbles along to carry things. When I climbed up the lamp post to see what was up there, I looked across the hedge and there he was - Santa, sound asleep on what I thought was a giant, very bent, banana. Well, Mum tells me that that was the crescent Moon, but I know enough about the Moon to know that it doesn't work like that. Anyhow, Santa was there asleep. I tried waking him up. I climbed up and tried tickling his nose, I tried bouncing on his tummy. I even yelled "Wake Up Jeff" just in case that was his secret identity. Nothing worked, so I whispered my request list into his ear and hope that his brain recorder was working. I will find out in just 9 more sleeps. Here's hoping.
Labels: Christmas, Santa
# posted by Bart Bear @ 7:19 pm