Last night we went for a drive to check out one of the sure signs that Christmas is getting near again. There are many streets where the people dress up their houses with gazillions of Christmas lights. I always like being driven around to see them. The photos are from two of the best displays I have seen so far. The top row is a house in Bissenberger Crescent in Kambah. This house was on TV the other night in a program on Australia's best Christmas light displays. The whole house and garden is covered in lights. The garden is like Santa's cave, full of toys and elves. If you look hard you can see me sitting by the entrance, hoping that Santa will come by. The bottom row shows the biggest and best-lit Christmas tree that this small bear has ever seen. It is in Tennyson Crescent in Forrest. The garden here is also covered in lights that make it a cave. All the lights on the tree and in the garden are controlled by a computer and they change colour and turn on and off in time with music. It is wonderful to see and hear. To top it off, every so often Santa lands on the roof of the house, walks along the roof, and dives down the chimney. I love Christmas light displays, and really think that these ones will take some beating.
Labels: Canberra, Christmas, Santa
# posted by Bart Bear @ 1:48 pm