Tuesday, June 19, 2012


The Tallest Building In The World

Here we are in DoBuy in front of the tallest building in the whole world. It is called the Burj Khalifa and as well as being the tallest building, it also has the most stories, the highest occupied floor, the highest observation deck and the elevator with the longest travel distance. And I was there! It is 828m high (that's 2,716ft for non-metric readers). Building started in January 2004 and the tower was officially opened in January 2010. The Oldies saw it partially built when they passed through Dubai in 2007; even at that stage it was the world's tallest building. It really is a spectacular tower. During the day it changes colour through silver, blue, white and gold, depending on the Sun angle. You can see it from most of Dubai, depending on the amount of dust and sand in the air. From the observation deck on the 124th floor you can see all of Dubai. Lots of photos from there. The elevator to the deck does 124 floors in around 20 seconds, enough to make small bears giddy. You will see the Burj in lots of our photos over the next weeks.

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