Monday, February 04, 2013
It's Like Alladin's Cave
There is nothing quite as interesting as digging around in the shops in an Arabian souk. The best one that I know of in Dubai is Sindbad Antiques in the Souk Mina a'Salaam. We checked it out both times we were in Dubai. This shop is a real treasure cave for small bears. It is full of old guns, knives, swords and other strange weaponry. There are all sizes of ships wheels; evidently Sindbad had lots of boats. There are old brass instruments that keep the Oldies fascinated for hours. Some they can identify straight away, sometimes they can even tell the shop owner what the strange brass contraption actually is. There are telescopes, sextants, compasses and measuring instruments of all sorts. Strange glass bottles and vases are there, packed in so tight that Dad gets real nervous walking past them. But the best thing that I found was a camel just the right size for me to ride. Naturally, the Oldies didn't buy it for me. Dad did buy a brass camel horn. It is probably a dud because although it makes a very loud noise when I blow it, there hasn't been a single camel come when I do.