Tuesday, March 12, 2013
One day while I was wandering around "Voyager of the Seas" I found what looked like a treasure cave. Wow! Maybe Blackbear the Terrible hid his horde there.Through a big glass panel in the floor I could see gold bars, coins, diamonds, pearls and precious stones.I called the Oldies to come look and guess what? It was all fake stuff. It turns out that the "treasure cave" was at the entrance to the casino. Casinos are places where some people try to make money by giving theirs to the management. I don't understand how that could possibly work, but lots of people try it. For me, the most interesting things in the casino were the gold and silver ladies with wings. They are just the right size to carry small bears while they fly around the place, not that they were doing much flying while I was there :)