Friday, May 03, 2013


Cruise Bits

Every minute of cruising is fun, and here are a couple more of things that I liked about "Voyager of the Seas". Eating. Well, you could eat non-stop if you had limitless tummy space, but small bears are rather limited in that department so Scruffy and I had to be very choosey about what we ordered. Of course, we always order dessert first because life is uncertain. Desserts on Voyager are incredibly good. The Oldies (and us bears) thought dessert was the highlight of most meals, although I think it was a bit mean of the Oldies to use us to get extras. In our stateroom there was a sign that really tickled my fancy. It means "Don't hang clothes on the fire sprinkler". I guess some passengers are silly enough to hang stuff there to dry, which is just what they wouldn't do if the coat hanger busted the sprinkler glass. I get a good giggle from some signs.

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