Thursday, July 18, 2013


Voyager By Night

It's a funny thing about cruise liners. By day, the decks are crowded with people walking, running, sunbaking or just watching the ocean slip by. It is a different story at night. Most of the passengers are at shows, in the bars, or pretending to win money in the casino. The decks are almost completely deserted. The Oldies and I always visit the top deck at night to check the weather and the sky before we go to bed. Mind you, all the lights make it difficult to see the sky. That's a bit of a bother because we are along to tell passengers about astronomy and it would be good to have a dark spot where we could show them stars. Anyhow, here's some photos of the top deck of "Voyager of the Seas" that we took on our New Zealand trip. Notice the great lighting, the empty pools and very few people. Also note that you can see inside the windows and check what people are doing without them being able to see you. I like doing that, although Dad tells me it is not polite. No doubt about it, cruising is fun.

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