Have we ever been busy!! It has been a fortnight of chaos, with no chance to get near the computer. First off, Dad got a letter from the tax office saying he owes them thousands, then we found an error in the way they calculated things, so hopefully that problem has gone away. Then the gardeners cut down some prize callistamons and the Oldies are arguing with the gardeners. Then the garage door motor died and we had a major job clearing storage shelves so that the mechanics could fix it. Then Dad's sister arrived for a quick visit. She headed on to the snow and we just found out that she broke her wrist while skiing. Then Unka Ray and Aunty Libby arrived in town on a surprise trip for Unka Ray (no grizzle about visitors; I love these people). It has been all go. Dad has been working almost non-stop and needing infusions of beer to keep him going. Speaking of beer, "Voyager of the Seas" has a bar where the beer menu is A3 size! Despite valiant efforts, Dad couldn't manage to try all of the different brews during our New Zealand cruise. Do small bears drink? You betcha we do. Every time the Oldies leave a drink unattended we are in like a shot. Mind you, there are better things for small bears to do on cruises. Scruffy and I found this great machine on Voyager that claimed it could produce animal friends. Problem was, we couldn't get enough effort on the handle of the machine to produce anything. Sometimes it's disappointing being small bears.
Labels: boats, cruising, family, gardens, New Zealand
# posted by Bart Bear @ 12:11 pm