Thursday, September 19, 2013


Laid-back Wallabies

At the Canberra zoo there is an area where you can walk in among some of the animals. Not the bitey ones of course, just cute and gentle ones like these swamp wallabies. You can find these little guys all along the eastern and south-eastern coast and ranges of Australia. I think they are the prettiest type of wallaby. They grow to about 75cm and eat just about any sort of plant, including some that are poisonous to most animals. They prefer grazing on shrubs rather than grass. The one on the right is a mother and has a little joey in her pouch. The joey was peeping out when we first noticed him. He came right out of the pouch, but quickly dived back in before Mum could photograph him. Most of the wallabies were just lazing in the sunshine, not at all bothered by people walking through. If you want to get close to critters like these, visit our zoo.

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