Wednesday, January 22, 2014
Cruising Across the Equator
We left Hawaii on November 2 last year and cruised back to Australia on the "Celebrity Millenium". It wasn't a completely successful cruise, due to some of the passengers bringing a vicious strain of 'flu aboard, but there were some great times along the way. One of them was the night we crossed the Equator, November 5. Of course we have crossed the Equator many times in aircraft, but it is a special event when you cross it for the first time in a ship. Before your first crossing you are a Pollywog, not a real sailor. After you cross you are a genuine Shellback and can hold your head up high whenever voyages are mentioned. On the crossing night King Neptune and his royal minions came on board to christen the new Shellbacks. The Pollywogs among the crew were bought before him in chains and were ceremoniously slimed, kissed the royal fish and were tossed in the pool. Then it was the turn of any passengers game enough to go through the ritual. Dad has been a Shellback since 1984 but this was Mum's upgrade-of-status. She got a certificate to prove it. Us small critters didn't. We were a bit disappointed until Neptune appointed us official Soft-shellbacks, tasked with the protection of the Oldies whenever we sail through his realms. By the way, do you know that at the Equator you are actually further away from the centre of the Earth than you are at the top of Mt Everest? Small bears know these things, just check it out if you don't believe me :)
Labels: boats, South Pacific