Thursday, May 22, 2014


Rotors Over The Rock

The best way to see Uluru is from a helicopter. From the ground you can see only one side at a time; from the air you really get the impact of the size of the monolith. I guess these photos speak for themselves. I will just point out that the region had just had the best rain for 35 years, so the country is far greener than normal. You can see the Rock is surrounded by a green ring where the runoff from the rock has led to more growth. In the bottom right photo you can see the remains of the old airstrip. This was in use from 1959 until the new airport was built at Yulara in 1984. In the background of this photo you can also see the old Ayres Rock resort area. When Yulara was established in the 1980s, all tourist activities were moved there and the old tourist area was handed back to the traditional owners, who call it Mutitjulu.

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