Tuesday, December 02, 2014


It's Looking Like Santa Time Again

Hey, it's December once again. Time to start making the house look like a place that Santa would consider stopping at. Mum and I spent the weekend putting up decorations and our little tree. Actually, we just bossed Dad around while he did the lifting and unpacking of storage boxes, but the planning was entirely ours. Don't Christmas trees look all bare and lonely without presents stacked up underneath them? That's something that will have to be worked on, leaving room for those vital pressies that the Old Whiskery Fella brings. You have probably noticed some of Mum's "Egyptian bonsai" (statuettes) behind the Christmas decorations. Well, why not? The ancient Egyptians would have celebrated Christmas and hoped for a visit from Santa if only they hadn't been a couple of thousand years too early. Now to post out the cards, hang a stack of tinsel things and finish my email to sclaus@northpolegoodiesdepot.Earth   ......

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