Thursday, March 12, 2015


Hercules Over The Lake

Yesterday afternoon we made a special trip down to the lake shore. Mum read on Facebook that there was a flypast by six RAAF C-130J Hercules' due at 3pm.  I've seen lots of C-130s at airshows, but never 5 in the air at one time, so we just had to see them. The flightpath was shown on the RAAF FB page, so we gave ourselves plenty of time and drove to a spot on the lakeside nearly under the track. Right on time they came, flying low for over a city (about 500ft I reckon). The Oldies used their iPhones to take dozens of pictures. Here are some of the best of them; click on the picture for a bigger image. You can see 5 aircraft in the first picture. The Hercs were in line astern and passed over us at around 5 second intervals. I was hoping they would come back for another pass, but they were on a training exercise and headed straight for their next "target" in western Sydney before returning to base at Richmond. There should be more aircraft flying low where small bears can get a good look at them.

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