Everybody gets a little lost during their first days on a new cruise ship. Mum takes a while to sort out which is the pointy end of the ship and Dad is hopeless at remembering what deck things are on. Well, "Radiance of the Seas" has that covered. In the lift foyers on every deck right in the centre, is a podium holding a deck plan with everything labelled and a cutaway section of the ship showing which deck it is that you are on. It is also lined up so that you can see at a glance which way the pointy end is, and even has lift call buttons, just in case you have got out on the wrong deck. Here are Scruffy, Milkshake and I using the plan on deck 11. Behind the podium on deck 11 is a bust of one of my heroes, Admiral Lord Nelson. If I was in charge I would wire it up so that you could ask him for directions and he would answer. One person that you wouldn't ask for directions is Dad. Here's a photo of him trying to put on a rain poncho and he can't even find the arm and head holes without help. This was on Isle of Pines; it was sprinkling and very windy and Dad was eventually "rescued" by some ladies. Mum was too helpless with laughter to help him. I really did want a model of the ship, but most of the ones on sale were too big for a small bear. I did find a way round that, and here's a hint I offer to other small critters; most ships sell key rings with a small ship dingle-dangle on them. Get one of them, toss the key ring away and get your dad to cut and smooth the attachment and touch up the paint and you have a great small critter size model.
Labels: boats, cruising, heroes, models
# posted by Bart Bear @ 10:55 am