Monday, March 21, 2016


A Busy Weekend

Last weekend was a busy one. Apart from the work involved in supervising the Oldies while they get our house ready to sell, and pack stuff ready to move to our new place as soon as it is finished, I had a lot of social engagements as well. Friday night we were out with Aunty Enid, Unka Barry, cousins Ian and Doug, and of course my cobber Rufus. The four men all have birthdays around this time, so we had a joint celebration. You can see that Rufus had celebrated a bit too heartily on St Patrick's day (the day before) and is not sure just what day it was. Saturday was Canberra day, the celebration of 103 years since our city was officially founded. This is always a big day, with all sorts of stuff happening around the city. I like the evening events at Lake Burley-Griffin. This year I watched in style. Bro Trent invited us to pizza, drinks and the chance to watch from his office in the city. From the 13th floor we had a great view. As it got dark, things  started with a display by one of the RAAF FA-18 Hornets. Mum and I love loud, low and fast jets; Dad prefers prop-driven putt-putts. A bit later the fireworks erupted. Twenty minutes of noise, colour and spectacle. Sunday, we slept in.


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