Friday, March 11, 2016


NZ Chocolate, The Best.

One of the things that New Zealand does best is chocolate. I love chocolate, and the Oldies are pretty good at making it disappear too. Every place we visited on our New Zealand cruises has its own chocolate shop, and here are two of the top chocolate places in NZ, probably the world. Actually, the top photos are not of a chocolate shop, but of a really great cafe in Wellington called "The Chocolate Fish". It is a barbecue cafe, everything comes barbecued on bread or bun. My carnivore Dad loved it. The Chocolate Fish is one of the old buildings on what was the Shelly Bay Air Force base. Shelly Bay was defence land from 1907 until the base closed in 1995. It is slowly being developed, some of the old buildings being heritage listed. If you visit Shelly Bay and the area looks sort of familiar, it is where the Skull Island scenes in the 2005 King Kong movie were filmed. The best chocolate shop we found is the Silky Oak Chocolate Factory shop near Napier. This place has walls and walls of all sorts of choccies and they are so good that just about every tourist bus stops there. I managed to climb up to where the Christmas specials were, it was just two days to Christmas and I needed some presents for the Oldies. Following usual practice, I picked them out and Dad paid for them.


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