Friday, January 19, 2018


A Jolly Fine Eatery

On all of our trips the Oldies like to find odd, strange and unusual places to eat. They search for strange decors and good food at reasonable prices. This restaurant (I finally learned how to spell that word), the Drunken Admiral, on the docks in Hobart really ticks the boxes. The walls and ceiling are covered with nautical gizmos. The largest item is a statue that looks more like a pirate than an admiral, but I guess that's what a hard life and booze can do to you. The food is mostly seafood, which is bad news for Dad because he is allergic to anything with a shell on or in it, but they also serve "landlubber" food and he reckons that the special fried chicken is some of the best he has ever set teeth into. Mum, of course, is the exact opposite and absolutely loves the way they serve up the seafood. Well worth eating there when you are in Hobart. By the way, despite what it looks like in the first picture, Dad was not being sick into the cauldron, just checking the way it was made.


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