What a weekend it was. Two big outings for a small bear. The first one was on Saturday night at the National Dinosaur Museum. It was an open night for adults only, no noisy kids allowed. Naturally, being an adult small bear over 15 years old, I was allowed in. The museum has a huge collection of fossils of dinosaur bits and other prehistoric critters, plus gemstones and ores. I thought the rocks full of coloured crystals were pretty good, but what I really enjoyed was the life-size models of dinosaurs in the area outside the building. If you look closely you will see me bravely staring down a mob of hunting Velociraptors, riding a Stegosaurus, talking to a mother Triceratops and her calves (there are 2 of them, but one is hiding behind her leg) and yelling for Dad to rescue me before the baby T.Rex closes his mouth. A small bear with an active imagination can have great fun at the museum, and I guess most kids could too.
Labels: animals, Canberra
# posted by Bart Bear @ 12:09 pm