Friday, January 25, 2019


Twisted Towels

One of the things that I like about cruising is that you never know what your fresh towels are going to look like when you go back to the cabin (oops... they are called staterooms now) after dinner. The cabin crew are all experts at towel origami. Every ship we have been on has delivered an amazing assortment of towel critters. Here's a few of the ones from our Christmas cruise. The first is a duck, quite pretty looking. Second is a pig. He kept hugging Milky, so I had to dismantle him as soon as the photo was taken. The elephant was fun, he was big and sturdy enough for us to take turns riding (us small critters that is, not the Oldies). Number four was a bit scary. It was a sort of dinosaur and we had just finished watching "Jurassic World: Lost Kingdom" so even a friendly dino was a bit worrying. The crew gave lessons in the art, and I managed to push through the crowd to get this photo of Josh (dance instructor, quiz master, general all-round fun guy) in the process of making a ballerina from 3 hand towels. Last photo is a penguin, alligator, frog and goldfish at the end of the demonstration. I have tried to fold handtowels into something but I can only produce messes.

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