Sunday, November 03, 2019


Inside the Disaster Zone

Unka Scott lives on Leilani Estate, the place where the lava flows from last year's volcanic activity erupted. Fortunately his property was safe, but most of the lower part of the estate was covered in lava and many homes were lost. Because he is a resident, he was able to take us into the restricted area and show us the results close up. Over lunch he showed us images that he took during the eruptions, then took us into the estate. Many roads ended in a wall of lava, around 20m high in one case. Walking on these lava flows is forbidden.The surface is cool now but in places it is very thin and hot lava is just below. By the way, can anybody suggest why that chicken is crossing the road? The largest vent is Fissure 8 (lower left above) and the cinder cone it built is over 60m high. Where the roads have been cut through the lava flows you can see many colours due to various minerals in the lava. Just a year after the eruptions the lava is being "invaded" by vegetation, mostly ferns and small shrubs. Scott has purchased an acre of one of the lava flows from Fissure 8 and intends to record the way it recovers. I could walk on this and investigate the lava more closely. Some of the broken-off lumps had shiny areas from the hot minerals and others were full of holes from gas bubbles. Mum was surprised by how light the lumps of lava are. Our day with Scott is one I will always remember.

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