Thursday, June 04, 2020
Oahu North Coast
Continuing with our coastal drives around Oahu with Kirk, here are some images of the north coast. The first is the "other side" of Ka'ena Point (see 2 posts back). Once again, the road ends in a rough carpark near a large seabird sanctuary. Second is Dillingham airfield. At the time of the Pearl Harbour attack this was one of the small airstrips where P-40 fighters were deployed away from the major airfields, and was one of the few places where US fighters managed to take off and attack the Japanese raiders. Today it is mostly used for skydiving and glider operations. We always have lunch at Hali'ewa Joe's when we are in Oahu. While the Oldies sample the local fodder, I sit on the lanai rail where I can watch the boats in the marina and kids on their way to the beach. At the north-eastern point of Oahu is Turtle Bay resort, one of the top ones on the island. Rather than having an expensive lunch there, Kirk took us to a pretty beach for a picnic. This had great spots for small bears to rest in the shade and watch birds and dolphins. Of course the north shore is best known for the huge surf that surfers come from all over the world to try. Well, that sort of surf is seasonal and this was not the season. As you can see, in all of our photos from this last holiday the surf was nothing spectacular. I mean, just look at the last image; that is the beach at the fabled Banzai Pipeline where the dangerous waves can be as tall as 6 metres. That day it was flat as a tack and not a surfer in sight.