Wednesday, July 22, 2020


Missing Hawaii

I am suffering severe cabin fever. We have been confined to the house for months now, only let out for "essential travel". That means my itchy feet haven't been able to travel and I am really missing that. These pictures are of my favourite place in Hawaii, the lawn of the House Without a Key at Halekulani. There is nothing more relaxing than sitting here sipping cocktails, watching the changing light near sunset, and listening to real Hawaiian music. The Oldies took a lot of arty photos here, e.g. the changing colours on Diamond Head framed by the branches of that famous tree, and images taken through a glass of white wine which acts as an inverting lens. Our favourite Hawaiian band is Kapena. As they are so popular they are usually performing in 2 subgroups at 2 seperate venues. This trio is Ohana De Lima Trio (Ohana is Hawaiian for family) - Kelly Boy and his daughter Lilo and nephew (ashamed to admit that I have forgotten his name). Older daughter Kalena and son Kapena were performing at the Disney resort on the other side of the island this night. Most times they have a great hula dancer with them; Dad approves. The big surprise was that Kelly Boy and Lilo recognized us straight away and we had only seen them once before during our second trip to Hawaii. I love the enchanted isles and can't wait for the world to return to something approaching what it was a year ago.


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