Thursday, October 15, 2020


Back to the Barn

Every year we make at least one visit to the Bredbo Christmas Barn. Bredbo is a small village an hour south of home and the Barn is one of the few shops in the village. It is absolutely jam-packed with Christmas decorations, everything from huge Christmas trees to tiny dangling things for decorating the tree. There are Santa statues in all sorts of colours and ethnic dress and elves of all sizes everywhere. It's a great place for a small bear to explore while the Oldies try to find something that is different to what they have collected from here over the years. I always get a laugh from the animals that sing Christmas carols. This year the Bart Silly Prize goes to a turtle that sings a Christmas version of "Shout" while its neck gyrates in random ways (no image, I was too busy laughing). Now for the fun of getting all our Christmas gear out and turning the lounge room into a Christmas cave, ready for the old whiskery bloke (Santa, not Dad).

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