Friday, October 23, 2020


Birthday no.18 !!

I am now 18 years old, officially able to drink and drive (but not at the same time). It has been a week of celebration for me. It started off with a morning at Shaw winery with the Oldies and Unka Chris. The winery manager even had a special Bart-size wine glass ready for me. Great wines and cheese, but the best thing was the present Unka Chris gave me - LEGO. This kit built a spaceship and satellite with an astronaut in spacewalk gear. With a bit of help from Dad I photographed the result and used Photoshop to make a scene of astronauts working on a satellite with the Southern Cross in the background. The Oldies gave me something that I have wanted for ages, ever since I found that Rawlings is the official supplier of gear to the US Major League Baseball clubs. Mum's family is Rawlings and I really wanted one of their labelled balls. Well, they gave me not just a ball but a catcher's mitt as well. The mitt is far too big for me to wear, but it makes a fine cozy seat. Finally, dinner at Belluci's Italian restaurant, with a new type of cocktail to share with Mum and a different Italian beer to share with Dad and another year closes. Now to grow my legs long enough to reach the pedals in the car and I can drive.


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