Tuesday, January 05, 2021


LEGO, Lovely

Another Christmas has been and gone and we still can't travel far. So it's good that Santa gave me something to fill in all that time stuck at home - LEGO and money to buy more LEGO! We had a quiet Christmas this year. The Oldies took me out for Christmas Lunch at the Yacht Club, but other than that it was craft and TV movies for the holiday week. My Santa LEGO built a super speedboat and semi-trailer truck to haul it. However, Mum was also given LEGO for her birthday (which is just before Christmas) and I could help her build that as well. That was harder because hers was a collection of builds of some of the buildings in Dubai, all of which we have actually visited. These were harder than the boat and truck, lots of tiny bits that my paws had trouble putting in place. The Burj Khalifa was particularly difficult and if anybody else has built this you have my sympathy; but it does look great when finished. Oh yes, the first picture is of the new building in my collection of battery-powered Christmas buildings. It is Santa's workshop, complete with built toys and a small helper and when you turn it on it snows in there. I love these quirky Christmas ornaments. Here's to a much better year, please do your best to stay safe.

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